Katrina Love

Katrina Love's Fundraiser

Are you "my neighbor"? Please do not see me hurting and look the other way. If you are "my neighbor" will you help ARM to rebuild homes and lives? image

Are you "my neighbor"? Please do not see me hurting and look the other way. If you are "my neighbor" will you help ARM to rebuild homes and lives?

To "Make America Great Again", we need to "Make America Love Again!"

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$50 towards $3,000

Someone asked Jesus a question, "Who is my neighbor?" He wanted to justify himself. Jesus told a parable to remind us that the one we help along the way is "my neighbor". Not just the person next door, but the person who Jesus sends us to help. (Luke 10:29)

For the past year and a half, I've had the opportunity to help "my neighbor" in disaster recovery (Lee County). It has been a blessing to me, personally.

Your donation will make a difference in "my neighbor" having a safe and warm place to call home. Every dollar counts!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Alabama Rural Ministry